This installment was made up of 60 orchid plants....phaleonopsis, cymbidium & slipper orchids in a variety of colours and forms

The fluro pink of the phaleonopsis and the vibrant greens of the cymbidium injected spurts of colour in the lush canopy

Within touching distance of the table below the hanging garden created a certain intimacy within the open space

The variations in height, colour, texture & form created interest as each plants' roots were covered in artificial or fresh moss

The rigid line of wax vases complemented the irregular pattern of the orchids overhanging...Some of the cymbidium orchids even had grass growing from their roots (we waited with bated breath a good 7 days to see the results from the little seeds!)

Top lighting from the rigging installed especially for the event became most effective at night... watch out for our next blog post tomorrow to catch a glimpse...